As soon as the first leaves turn colourful, autumn is all about detectors for Chromicent. With the renewed expansion of our portfolio, we can now draw on an even more comprehensive range of detection types for our customers – which underlines our role as your specialist laboratory for chromatographic methods in the pharmaceutical sector.
TQ Detektor
Nitrosamines are continuing to be a defining issue. In addition to our validated method using SFC-MS/MS detection, we now have the ability to offer LC-MS/MS methods with APCI ion source.
Corona Veo Detektor
The second upgrade of our detection capabilities is the implementation of a Corona Veo Charged-Aerosol Detector (CAD) on our existing Acquity UPLC Hclass system. Possible applications are for example the detection of impurities in fosfomycin.
3465 Electrochemical Detector
In response to increased demand from our customers for the detection of impurities in antibiotics – and in view of the European Pharmacopoeia – Chromicent now has the brand new Waters 3465 electrochemical detector available.